The idea of founding an Ergonomics Society had been actively pursued ever since the First National Seminar on Ergonomics, which was held at Calcutta from 22-25 February, 1972, under the auspices of the Life Science Centre of the University of Calcutta - organized by the Department of Physiology of the same University.

The notable scientists who enthusiastically supported the idea of forming such a scientific society were the legendary physiologist Prof. Sachinanada Banerjee; Prof. Sushil Ranjan Maitra, Prof. Rabindra Nath Sen (both from the Department of Physiology, Calcutta University); Dr. Asit Ranjan Guha Ray (of the Central Mining Research Station, Dhanbad); Dr. Hari Pada Chattopadhyay (Department of Physiology, Presidency College, Calcutta); and Jyotirmoy Sen Gupta (Defence Institute of Physilogy and Allied Sciences, Delhi).

A   significant step forward was the holding of the First International Symposium on Work Physiology and Ergonomics at Calcutta from 1 - 3 November, 1974, when renowned work physiologists and ergonomists like O.G.Edholm, E.J.Hamley, K.Kogi, H.Monod, J.W.H.Kalsbeek, H.C.Cursitor, B.W.Hyndman, and S.Folkard actively participated. This event created great interest in the subject among the physiologists, psychologists, anthropologists and biomedical engineers of Calcutta.

In January, 1979, Prof. R.N.Sen presided over the Section of Physiology at the 66th session of the Indian Science Congress Association, held at Hyderabad, and he utilized this opportunity to give his Presidential Address on " Ergonomics, Science and Technology of Man at Work: its Role in our National Development". For the first time, the importance of the study of Ergonomics and the significant role it can play in our national development was emphasized in a major Conference.

In 1983, a consensus was reached to form an Indian Society of Ergonomics during the second international symposium on Applied Physiology and Ergonomics, held in Calcutta during August 17- 19, 1983. A proposal for the formation of an Indian Society of Ergonomics was also discussed in National Co-ordination Seminar on Ergonomics held at the National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad, from 14-16 October, 1985.

The Society was formally established at Ahmedabad, India, on the 13th of January, 1987, at a meeting held at the National Institute of Occupational Health (NIOH). The credit for hosting the foundation meeting of the Indian Society of Ergonomics (ISE) goes to Ahmedabad, the great industrial city of India, the city of the "Father of the Nation", Mahatma Gandhi.

The 2nd International Symposium on Ergonomics, Occupational Health, Safety and Environment (ISE-OH-SE) was held at New Delhi during November 1996. The 3rd and 4th ISE-OH-SE meetings were held in Bombay (now Mumbai) in December 2001 (IIT Powai) and April 2004 (NITIE), respectively.

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Aims and Objectives of the society:

The objectives of the Society are set forth the memorandum of association of the Society, as under:

  1. To promote and enhance Ergonomics and allied studies, research and training particularly in India, for the benefit of the people at work, to improve their welfare and quality of life.
  2. To facilitate exchange of ideas, professional experiences among persons on India and abroad interested in ergonomics for the advancement of science, technology and art of man at work.
  3. To arrange and organize lectures, debates, discussions, seminars, training courses, symposia, workshops, conferences etc. for the achievement of knowledge and exchange of views and ideas.
  4. To publish Journals, Newsletters, proceedings, Reports, Training Materials, Booklets.and other materials as may be necessary from time to time.
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Indian Society of Ergonomics
Occupational Ergonomics Laboratory
Department of Physiology
University of Calcutta
92 A.P.C. Road, Kolkata 700 009, INDIA.

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